About Me

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My name is Douglas Collins. I was 4 lbs. at birth due to a blood virus. It affected all my blood organs. They did not expect me to live. If I did, I wouldn't be very tall, have the mental capacity of a two yr. old,& wouldn't live past the age of 11 or 12. I'm 43 yrs. old, graduated in 1988, & am about 5 feet 8 inches. Not short one bit! I was born deaf in my right ear, blind in my right eye. In my teens, I started losing my hearing in my left ear. It was nerve deafness, nothing they could do. At 17 at church camp, I felt led to go pray. God spoke to me & said, "You take your hearing aid out and you never wear it again." I did and God healed me! In Feb. 2002, I started losing my hearing in my left ear again. They believe this time that it is a blood clot pushing on a nerve. Please pray for me that God would restore my hearing.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Do you know the story of how King Saul went to a witch so that he could speak to the prophet Samuel's spirit from the dead? Do you believe that it was actually Samuel's spirit that Saul spoke to? After all, the Bible does say "And Samuel said"? Wouldn't that make it conclusive? I don't think so.

I used to believe that is was actually Samuel's spirit that Saul spoke to, but not anymore. 

One day I was reading the story (I Samuel 29:4-25), it seemed like God opened my eyes. Here is what I believe that God showed me:

God wouldn't have anything to do with Saul, not in dreams or through the prophets. He had totally rejected him and the devil knew this.

Saul asked some of his men to see if they could find someone who could speak to the dead. He then disguised himself, and went to her.

When he got there, the woman told him that Saul had "cut off those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life, to cause me to die?" She was afraid that this was a trap to kill her.

Saul, in his disguise, had to assure her that nothing would happen to her. She, then, asked who it was he wanted to speak to. He told her "Samuel".

Well, she did her thing, whatever it was and screamed and said, "why hast thou deceived me? For thou art Saul."

Now, some have said that the reason she screamed was because this was the first time she had seen a spirit. I don't agree. I believe that she screamed because she feared for her life when she found out that Saul was there.

Saul, again, had to reassure her that she would not die. He, then, asked her what she saw and she described "An old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle." The Bible, then, says that Saul
"perceived that it was Samuel,".

Where did he get this perception? He couldn't have gotten it from God because he wouldn't speak to him. He got it simply from what this woman described as seeing.

Saul then proceeded to have a conversation with who he believed to be Samuel. I believe that this conversation was written from man's (particular Saul's) perception. He BELIEVED he was talking to Samuel, but that doesn't mean that he was.

Now, I don't know how this conversation took place. Whether, there was a voice in the air or what. But, if you read the conversation, you will see that this "spirit" said everything that Samuel had said when he was alive, with exception of one thing - that Saul and his sons would be killed in the battle with the Philistines.

It is possible that this "spirit", which I believe to be a demon impersonating Samuel, knew that Saul was going to be killed at the battle just like the devil knew about Ahab falling at

I, also, thought of this: When Jesus told the story of the rich man and Lazarus, Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom - a place of peace and comfort. God's Spirit is the only Spirit that can be everywhere at once. Our spirits can only be in one place at a time. I believe that Samuel's spirit was in Abraham's bosom just like Lazarus. I do not believe that God would have Samuel's spirit leave a place of comfort and peace to go and talk with Saul.

Someone may say that God can do anything he wants. True. But, somehow, that just doesn't make sense to me.

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week, I told you about the two things I learned from a blind man.

This man was involved in a competition on T.V. The competition consisted of 12 teams (each made up of three people) that had to do both physical and mental challenges in Morocco.

The two things I've already mentioned in learning from this man were:

1. Exercising faith and that God won't take your faith you put in him lightly.

2. That sometimes in going down the river of life, you may not hear or see your guide and your boat may tip over but God is still there encouraging you to get back in the boat and keep going.

The third thing I would like to mention is that even though his blindness caused him to have limitations, this man would not let his blindness stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

During one of the challenges, they had to search for a rug with five holes in it among a huge pile of other rugs. This blind man, obviously, couldn't participate in the search.

Sometimes, we want to tell God that we are limited to what we can do for him, but God will not have us to do something without giving us the ability, the strength, wisdom, and grace to do it.

God bless,


Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yesterday I talked about watching some episodes of a competition on T.V.
There were twelve teams, each team consisting of 3 people, that competed in both physical and mental challenges in Morocco.

I mentioned one team called "No Limits". The team consists of 3 men and one of them is blind. One of the other men in his guide.

Yesterday, I talked about one instance where I learned something from this blind man. Today, I wish to tell you of the second thing I learned from this man.

During one part of the competition, they had to kayak down the river to their next destination. The guide was in a kayak in front, the blind man in the middle, and the other man behind. The kayaks were not connect by ropes or anything. The blind man had to rely upon his guide to tell him where to go in order to avoid the rocks. The blind man stated that the water from the rapids was so loud that he couldn't hear his guide, so, he is going down this river both blind and deaf. At one point, his kayak tips over. The guide cannot help him, all he can do is encourage the man to get back in the boat and keep going and the blind man does this.

Sometimes, when we are going down the river of life we cannot see or hear our guide and the rivers of life may cause our boat to tip over, but God is there encouraging us to get back in the boat and keep going. Don't stop!

Next week, Lord willing, I will tell about the third thing I learned from this blind man.

God Bless,


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My parents and I have been watching some episodes of a competition called, "Expedition Impossible".

12 teams - each made up of three people - compete in both physical and mental challenges in Morroco.

One of the teams call themselves "No Limits". It consists of three men and one of them is blind. One of the other men is his guide.

Two incidents stood out for me. I'll talk about the first incident today. The second one tomorrow, Lord willing.

The first one was when they came to this beautiful waterfall, they were standing on a cliff. The instructions said that they had two choices. They could take the safe and slow route down the side of the cliff into the water for a swim to their next destination or they could take the faster and more dangerous route which was jumping off the 30-foot cliff into the water. If I remember correctly all the teams chose to jump the cliff.

The cliff is not straight. The contestants have to go down a small hill to get to the edge of it.

Now, picture this: Here is a blind man being led by his guide down this small hill to the edge. The blind man has his hand on his guide's shoulder. The guide is telling him how much farther they have to go before they jump. He then tells him to stand up and on the count of three, they jump.

I told my mother, "Talk about faith". This blind man exercises completely trust and confidence in his guide. He will do whatever his guides says - no questions asked.

How often do we question God when He tells us to do something?

I, also, thought of this: That guide does not take the trust that the blind man has put in him lightly. He doesn't abuse or misuse it.

God is the same way. He will not take the faith and trust that you put in Him lightly. He will not misuse or abuse your faith. If He tells you to jump off a 30-foot cliff (spiritually speaking), then you can be sure that He will see that you reach the bottom safely.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will talk about the second lesson that I have learned from this blind man.

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Last week, I had mentioned a book titled, "Loving God's Word: Seven strategies for slaying Bible apathy" by Seth Kniep. I was going to take a chapter a week and write something, but I am not sure how to do it without violating copyright laws, so....I'll just recommend the book to you. It's very good. It is, basically, a commentary on Psalms 119. I advise you to buy it and check it out.

God Bless,

Douglas Collins

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


There are two things that really irritate me. 

1. When so called christians will picket somewhere and hold up signs that says "God hates f-gs". This statement is simply not true!
The word f-g refers to the person who practices the sin of homosexuality. God doesn't hate the person - but, the sin!

(John 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Why would God die for someone he hated?

(Romans 5:8) But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
When Christ died, we were ALL sinners. He died for every single one of us.

When God saved us, he gave us a commandment to make disciples of all nations. How are we to get people to serve God if we leave them to believe that God hates them?  If we give them this impression, we defeat our own purpose. 

If people held up signs that said, "God hates homosexuality", I would agree with that - 100%. We must make sure that we differentiate between hating sin and loving the sinner.

2. The second thing that gets my goat is when people accuse Christians of being "homophobic". I am not homophobic.

If I said that I disagreed with adultery, would you accuse me of having a phobia?

If I said that I disagreed with prematerial sex, would you accuse me of having a phobia?

What about rape, incest, child molesting, pornography, prostitution, and beastiality? I disagree with all those sexual sins just as much as I disagree with homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality. It has nothing to do with phobias.

I believe that any sexual activity outside of a marriage between one husband and his one wife is sin. Period.

Again, it has nothing to do with phobias. It has to do with hating sin.

If you are involved with the sin of homosexuality (or any of the other sins that I have mentioned), God loves you. He wants to save you, to deliver you, to give you a better quality life than what you have right now.

If you want to turn to God, here's how:

(Acts 2:38) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

God Bless,
