About Me

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My name is Douglas Collins. I was 4 lbs. at birth due to a blood virus. It affected all my blood organs. They did not expect me to live. If I did, I wouldn't be very tall, have the mental capacity of a two yr. old,& wouldn't live past the age of 11 or 12. I'm 43 yrs. old, graduated in 1988, & am about 5 feet 8 inches. Not short one bit! I was born deaf in my right ear, blind in my right eye. In my teens, I started losing my hearing in my left ear. It was nerve deafness, nothing they could do. At 17 at church camp, I felt led to go pray. God spoke to me & said, "You take your hearing aid out and you never wear it again." I did and God healed me! In Feb. 2002, I started losing my hearing in my left ear again. They believe this time that it is a blood clot pushing on a nerve. Please pray for me that God would restore my hearing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My parents and I have been watching some episodes of a competition called, "Expedition Impossible".

12 teams - each made up of three people - compete in both physical and mental challenges in Morroco.

One of the teams call themselves "No Limits". It consists of three men and one of them is blind. One of the other men is his guide.

Two incidents stood out for me. I'll talk about the first incident today. The second one tomorrow, Lord willing.

The first one was when they came to this beautiful waterfall, they were standing on a cliff. The instructions said that they had two choices. They could take the safe and slow route down the side of the cliff into the water for a swim to their next destination or they could take the faster and more dangerous route which was jumping off the 30-foot cliff into the water. If I remember correctly all the teams chose to jump the cliff.

The cliff is not straight. The contestants have to go down a small hill to get to the edge of it.

Now, picture this: Here is a blind man being led by his guide down this small hill to the edge. The blind man has his hand on his guide's shoulder. The guide is telling him how much farther they have to go before they jump. He then tells him to stand up and on the count of three, they jump.

I told my mother, "Talk about faith". This blind man exercises completely trust and confidence in his guide. He will do whatever his guides says - no questions asked.

How often do we question God when He tells us to do something?

I, also, thought of this: That guide does not take the trust that the blind man has put in him lightly. He doesn't abuse or misuse it.

God is the same way. He will not take the faith and trust that you put in Him lightly. He will not misuse or abuse your faith. If He tells you to jump off a 30-foot cliff (spiritually speaking), then you can be sure that He will see that you reach the bottom safely.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, I will talk about the second lesson that I have learned from this blind man.

God Bless,


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