About Me

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My name is Douglas Collins. I was 4 lbs. at birth due to a blood virus. It affected all my blood organs. They did not expect me to live. If I did, I wouldn't be very tall, have the mental capacity of a two yr. old,& wouldn't live past the age of 11 or 12. I'm 43 yrs. old, graduated in 1988, & am about 5 feet 8 inches. Not short one bit! I was born deaf in my right ear, blind in my right eye. In my teens, I started losing my hearing in my left ear. It was nerve deafness, nothing they could do. At 17 at church camp, I felt led to go pray. God spoke to me & said, "You take your hearing aid out and you never wear it again." I did and God healed me! In Feb. 2002, I started losing my hearing in my left ear again. They believe this time that it is a blood clot pushing on a nerve. Please pray for me that God would restore my hearing.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Last week, I told you about the two things I learned from a blind man.

This man was involved in a competition on T.V. The competition consisted of 12 teams (each made up of three people) that had to do both physical and mental challenges in Morocco.

The two things I've already mentioned in learning from this man were:

1. Exercising faith and that God won't take your faith you put in him lightly.

2. That sometimes in going down the river of life, you may not hear or see your guide and your boat may tip over but God is still there encouraging you to get back in the boat and keep going.

The third thing I would like to mention is that even though his blindness caused him to have limitations, this man would not let his blindness stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

During one of the challenges, they had to search for a rug with five holes in it among a huge pile of other rugs. This blind man, obviously, couldn't participate in the search.

Sometimes, we want to tell God that we are limited to what we can do for him, but God will not have us to do something without giving us the ability, the strength, wisdom, and grace to do it.

God bless,


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